Pengaruh Kemampuan Literasi Digital Marketing Dan Strategi E-Commerce Advertising Terhadap Peningkatan Volume Penjualan Sparepart (Study kasus pada PT. Edie Arta Motor Indonesia Cabang Bungkulan)

  • Gusti Putu Eka Kusuma Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Satya Dharma Singaraja
  • Kadek Arnewsari Laksmi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Satya Dharma
Keywords: Digital Marketing Literacy, E-Commerce Advertising Strategy, and Sales Volume


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of digital marketing literacy skills and e-commerce advertising strategies on increasing sales volume. This research was conducted at Sparepat PT. Edie Arta Motor Indonesia Bungkulan Branch. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Samples taken were 77 consumers. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression, determination analysis, and hypothesis testing with the t test. data analysis with SPSS for windows program. The results showed 1) Digital Marketing Literacy has a positive and significant effect on Sales Volume with t-count > t-table (3.588> 1.66) with a significant value = 0.001. If using a significant level of 0.05, it can be concluded that 0.001 <0.05. 2) The E-Commerce Advertising Strategy has a positive and significant effect on Sales Volume at Sparepat PT. Edie Arta Motor Indonesia Bungkulan. t-count> t-table (4.516> 1.66) with a significant value = 0.000, if using a significant level of 0.05 it can be concluded that 0.000 <0.05. 3) and the results of the f-test calculation obtained f-count> f-table, (21.881> 3.12) indicating that Digital Marketing Literacy and E-Commerce Advertising Strategy have a joint effect on Sales Volume with a level of 0.000 <0, 05.


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How to Cite
Gusti Putu Eka Kusuma, & Kadek Arnewsari Laksmi. (2024). Pengaruh Kemampuan Literasi Digital Marketing Dan Strategi E-Commerce Advertising Terhadap Peningkatan Volume Penjualan Sparepart (Study kasus pada PT. Edie Arta Motor Indonesia Cabang Bungkulan). ARTHA SATYA DHARMA, 17(1).