Loyalitas Karyawan LPD Desa Adat Penglatan Terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan Pada LPD Desa Adat Penglatan
Loyalty is basically loyalty, devotion and trust given or directed to a person or institution. LPD employees have loyalty to institutions that have a willingness to work together, which means a willingness to sacrifice themselves, a willingness to involve, awareness, and devoting themselves to the company. This research aims to determine the loyalty of LPD employees in the Penglatan Traditional Village towards employee productivity. The type of data used is qualitative data sourced from interviews with LPD employees of the Penglatan Traditional Village using purposive sampling. The results of this research prove that employee loyalty has increased, this can be seen from the research results which say that employees have a commitment to the institution. However, there are several times when employees take part in religious ceremonies which are carried out during breaks during which they have flexible time. Employees also receive benefits provided by the institution so that overall employees have shown an increased level of loyalty. Work productivity in this research is that employees carry out work in accordance with the duties and obligations given by the institution. The higher employee productivity, the higher employee loyalty. So it can be concluded that this has a big influence on the level of employee loyalty and productivity for the Penglatan Traditional Village LPD.
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