Pengembangan Strategi Pengendalian Bahan Baku pada UMKM Dupa Ajeg Bali

  • Ketut Ayu Ely Ernawati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Satya Dharma
  • Ni Luh Putu Eka Yudi Prastiwi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Satya Dharma
Keywords: Incense, Raw Material, Preparation.


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the revenue development priorities
in every country. This is caused by the large contribution of MSMEs in each country, especially
in the economic sector. In addition, MSMEs play a role in advancing the country's economy
and employment as well as equitable distribution of community income. One of them is the
community service program at MSMEs which aims to apply the knowledge gained during
lectures and distributed in the world of work. This community service took place at the Dupa
Ajeg Bali MSME, which is located in Sambangan village. Seeing the lack of understanding of
employees towards the recording of raw material inventories, the impact on the production
process is hampered. The service team used site surveys and interviews to find out the problems
faced during the running of the business. Based on the problems faced by the service team, it
provides solutions in the form of making records of raw material inventories so that later the
bookkeeping of raw materials is more focused in taking and using raw materials.
